ICAESE 2024 - BtecCH


ICAESE 2024 - BtecCH

The first International Conference on Advanced Energy and Structural Engineering (ICAESE) is an international event that will be held in Brussels on December 16–17, 2024, and is dedicated to bringing together a significant number of international researchers and companies for presentations related to advanced energy and structural engineering within the conference program. 

With its high quality, it provides an exceptional value for students, academics, and industry researchers. This value can provide strong cooperation between academics and industry. Leading academic scientists, researchers, and research scholars are invited to the International Conference on Advanced Energy and Structural Engineering (ICAESE) to exchange experiences and research findings on all facets of advances in energy and structural engineering. 

Additionally, it offers a top-notch multidisciplinary forum where scholars, professionals, and educators can showcase and converse about the latest advancements, issues, and trends in the fields of advanced energy and structural engineering, as well as the real-world difficulties they've faced and overcome.


Date et heure
lundi 16 décembre 2024
Commence à 08:00 (Europe/Brussels)
mardi 17 décembre 2024
Fin - 20:00 (Europe/Brussels)

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